Monday, 10 February 2014

How Vegetarian Cooking Saves Time and Money

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Cooking vegetarian meals not only means a much cheaper outlay than meat meals, but they also save in other ways too.  The main advantage is that multiple meals can be prepared at the start of the week, and stored in the fridge for use over the entire week.  For meals that contain meat, I'm only comfortable keeping them in the fridge for 3 - 4 days.  However I'll happily eat a vegetarian meal that has been in the fridge for 7 days.  I don't have to try and find extra room in the freezer, I don't have to worry about freezer burn, and I can have a meal on hand instantly - no need to wait for it to thaw.  And there is always the risk that the meal won't taste as good once thawed.  Also my time is saved - spend a couple of hours cooking one day, and we can eat for the whole week!

Don't get me wrong, batch cooking is good no matter what the ingredients - however the humble vegetable does hold some advantages!

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